Brave Enough To Fail's BOSS Academy
By: Wayne & April Winsley
Level: Boss
Study time: 12 hours
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Course overview
Where students get the tools to be the BOSS of their dreams
Video time: X hours
Exams: X
What Students Learn:
How to Embrace Big dreams
How to get Out of their comfort zone
How to Develop a Strategy for success
How to Stick to their goals
Brave Enough To Fail Inc.
Cultivating a new generation of leaders, creators and achievers.
Brave Enough To Fail is a student-focused educational nonprofit that combines motivational messaging, resources, and financial aid in one package to help students succeed in school and beyond.
Our mission is to cultivate a new generation of leaders, creators, and achievers by raising student engagement and achievement. And by inspiring young people with the courage to pursue their dreams.